How to Use Vybar In Candle Making

Vybar is a popular candle wax additive that, when used correctly, can add a lot of benefits to your candles.

When using a vybar additive, there are guidelines you should follow to get the best results and avoid creating unwanted problems.

This article will cover what type of vybar will fit best with your candles, how to use vybar with your candles, and what to avoid when using vybar.

What is Vybar?

Vybar is a polymer used as a wax additive in candle-making for the following:

  1. Increase retention of fragrance oil
  2. Improve color quality
  3. Increase the hardness of wax
  4. Increase opacity
  5. Reduce air bubbles
  6. Reduce mottling

Vybar is an alternative to stearic acid intended for use in waxes. You can use vybar as a replacement for stearic acid. 

Types of Vybar

Before using a vybar, you’ll need to determine which type of vybar is suitable for your candle wax.

Vybar 103

For candle wax with a melting point up to ~150°F. Use vybar 103 for waxes with a melting point above 130°F.

This vybar comes in pellet form.

Suitable for pillar candles.

Vybar 260

For candle wax with a melting point up to ~130°F.

This vybar also comes in pellet form.

Suitable for container candles.

Vybar 343

Use this vybar for mottling paraffin candle wax.

This vybar comes in block form.

Mottling can be an intended design choice. If you need to increase the fragrance load of paraffin wax but do not want to get rid of mottling, then you would use vybar 343.

How to Use Vybar

Vybar is added to many waxes by wax suppliers, so double-check the details of the wax you’ve purchased to ensure it doesn’t already have vybar added.

How Much Vybar do You Use

Use vybar by measuring ½ percent – 2 percent of the wax weight.

Since we’re using a tiny amount of vybar, I like to measure in grams. A pound of wax is 453.6 grams; if we want 1/2 percent vybar, we’ll multiply 453.6 by .005. The result is ~2.268 grams which is how much vybar to use per pound.

Another commonly recommended usage is ¼ to 1 tsp per pound of wax.

Start on the lower end first. Adding too much vybar can lead to problems.

When to Add Vybar to Wax

Add the vybar to your wax before you add the fragrance oil. Make sure to blend well.

At What Temperature Do You Add Vybar to Wax

Technically you can start adding at temperatures as low as ~130°F.

However, you’ll get better results by adding vybar at hotter temperatures, typically ~180° – 190°F.

Can Vybar Be Used In Soy Wax

Yes, you can use vybar with soy wax.

Soy wax can naturally retain a higher fragrance load than paraffin wax, so it may not be as needed with soy as opposed to paraffin.

If you’re within the max threshold of fragrance oil for your soy wax and have problems with the candle sweating, then use vybar.

I would caution against using vybar to push fragrance loads too far. You may want more and more fragrance in your candle, but at a certain point, you won’t be receiving much value from added fragrance and instead end up with additional problems.

Instead, for a stronger hot throw, you can look into alternative methods like longer cure times or wax blends to assist the soy in achieving an improved hot throw.

Does Vybar Help with the Candle’s Hot Throw

The primary purpose of vybar is to increase the amount of fragrance oil the wax can retain.

Vybar is not directly helping the hot throw performance. That’s not its purpose.

Although, indirectly, you can say it’s helping hot throw by retaining and evenly distributing the fragrance oil within the wax and allowing the wax and fragrance to do their jobs properly.

Beware of Using Too Much Vybar

When you start testing with vybar, begin with the lowest amount.

The benefit that vybar gives us by retaining more fragrance in the wax can backfire on you if you add too much to the wax.

Too much vybar can lock in the fragrance and reduce the scent throw from the candle.